Bran Filter by Golden Rolls
Golden Rolls Rice Bran Centrifugal Filter is a tried and tested machine which comes with 100 inch Nylon screen to efficiently separate bran from the rice. The machine has been uniquely designed to separate the tips from bran. Designed with innovative technology, our Rice Bran Centrifugal Separator machine is widely used for cleaning of wheat, seeds, rice, pulses etc.
We use high quality flexible nylon screen to filter bran. Since the screen / mesh is flexible and water & oil resistant, it has a long service life and cheaper to replace in comparison to SS screens which often tears and is expensive to replace.
MODEL – GBS-100"
Capacity – 800 kg/ Hour Power – 2 HP Size (L x W x H) in mm 3500 x 920 x 1320

Some of the salient features are:
- 2 HP branded Motor & Gear Box.
- Imported Nylon bolting cloth fitted with all Accessories.
- Pulley driven horizontal brush for continuous cleaning.
- 3mm HRCS main body.
- 2mm HRCS Side & top parts.
- Shaft Size : 50 mm x 3550 mm.
- Diameter of cylinder: 26 inch.
- Screen hole size – 26 mesh.

Right Bran Filter - at the Right Price

Why buy from us:
- Heavy duty machine with proven design.
- Nylon mesh for efficient and low cost filtration.
- Easy to maintain design.
- Branded motor and gear box.
- Integrated nylon brush to keep mesh clean while running.
- Timely dispatch.
- Built tough for the rough.
Good Bran Filter Performance Starts Here.